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Certain seasons have maintenance tasks associated with them. Spring, for example, is all about cleaning. Summer brings mowing to mind. Fall is often associated with raking leaves. You get the idea.

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There's a wrong way and a right way to do many things in life. Take push-ups, for example. A proper push-up involves your hands being the same distance as your shoulders and lowering your entire upper body down as close to the ground as possible.

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Insulation is insulation, right? There are actually more types than you might think, each with different uses and benefits. As with many elements of home improvement, there is rarely a ""one-size-fits-all"" approach, especially for homes in Texas with drastic temperature fluctuations.

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Inflation has been intense the past couple of years, to put it lightly. As such, we're all looking to save money where we can. One of the most effective ways to save money is with your home.

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As the temperature rises, signs of summer begin to pop up everywhere. You start seeing more sunglasses, shorts, and snow cone stands, for example. But there are certain signs indoors as well, especially if your home has improper insulation.

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